Hilma af Klint – De Tio Største Ynglingaåldern (1907)
Hilma af Klint – De Tio Største Ynglingaåldern (1907)
Hilma af Klint – De Tio Største Ynglingaåldern (1907)
Hilma af Klint – De Tio Største Ynglingaåldern (1907)

Hilma af Klint – De Tio Største Ynglingaåldern (1907)

판매 가격
세금이 포함됨


Artist l Hilma af Klint 

Artwork l  De Tio Største No 3 (1907)

Size l 59.4cm x 84.1cm 

Published in Denmark by Louisiana Museum 



Louisiana poster with the work, The Ynglinga age, De tio størdest, no 3 , (1907), by the Swedish artist,  Hilma af Klint (1862-1944), which Louisiana exhibited in 2014. Klint painted his "Tin støstø" - the original images are precisely physically large - in a period of only 40 days in the autumn of 1907. Klint never showed his abstract works in public during his lifetime, but only his figurative ones. “I had no idea what the pictures were supposed to represent. Still, I worked quickly and safely, without changing a single brushstroke," explained Hilma af Klint in her notes and diaries.   

Hilma af Klint has not taken up much space in art history, although she can be listed as one of the pioneers of abstract art. Her extensive work is created in a spiritual space inspired by e.g. theosophical and anthroposophical currents, where she links inner experience and symbolic language.

The story of the artist is fascinating and unknown to most. It's a story about a female artist on the edge of the established canon. She belongs to the first generation of academy-educated women in Europe. She was educated in Stockholm in naturalistic portrait and landscape painting. Hilma af Klint's visual universe is visually strong, color-experimental and rich in symbols.


* L'Atelier Glod is an official global retailer of Louisiana Museum of Art. 

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5. 아크릴과 알루미늄 프레임의 제조 공정상, 미세한 스크래치가 발생 할 수 있습니다.  알루미늄들이 만나는 모서리부분은 날카로울 수 있으니 각별한 주의를 바랍니다.  

6. 원목 액자는 100퍼센트 수작업으로 만들어지며, 원목의 특성상 원목마다 결과 색상에 미세한 차이가 납니다. 

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3. 제작 액자의 경우, 아크릴과 알루미늄 프레임의 제조 공정상, 미세한 스크래치가 발생 할 수 있으며, 이는 교환 및 반품의 사유가 안됩니다. 

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