PICASSO _ Still-life with Fish Fork and Slice of Lemon (1955)
PICASSO _ Still-life with Fish Fork and Slice of Lemon (1955)
PICASSO _ Still-life with Fish Fork and Slice of Lemon (1955)
PICASSO _ Still-life with Fish Fork and Slice of Lemon (1955)

PICASSO _ Still-life with Fish Fork and Slice of Lemon (1955)



Artist l Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) 

Artwork l Still life with Fish Fork and Slice of Lemon (1955)

Size I 30cm x 42cm

Printed in Denmark by Louisiana Museum 

Louisiana poster with the work,  Still-life with Fish, Fork and Slice of Lemon, (1955), by the Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso (1881-1973). The poster was printed in conjunction with the major exhibition, Picasso Ceramics , at Louisiana in the spring of 2018,  which marked the beginning of Louisiana's 60th anniversary year.

Louisiana  has shown exhibitions of Picasso's paintings, drawings and graphic works several times over the years and the museum also has several works by the master in the collection. When it comes to a special focus on Picasso's ceramic production, the museum's exhibition in 2018 was  the first major one of its kind in Scandinavia, with 160 works from the years 1947-64.

In the summer of 1946, Picasso stayed in Golfe-Juan in the South of France. Together with a friend, he went to a ceramics exhibition in Vallauris, an area known for its many ceramic workshops. That experience became a turning point and Picasso's curiosity and interest in ceramic objects was awakened.

Already in 1948, Picasso got a permanent place in the Madoura workshop in Vallauris and decided to move his home to the South of France. The luminous, Mediterranean nature that defined his art in these years is also reflected in the ceramic works.

In the South of France, Picasso   alongside his paintings, drawings, sculptures and graphic works – produced approx. 4000 ceramic objects. Some are painting and processing of plates, jugs and dishes that had already been put into production - like the poster's motif,  the classic dinner plate, where Picasso ceramic shapes a fork, lemon slice and fish, which he applies to the plate. 

 피카소는 1947년부터 1964년까지 약 4천여점의 도예작품활동을 했는데요. 1946년 남프랑스의 도예전시 방문을 계기로, 도예에 빠졌으며, 이는 그의 예술적 전환점이 되었습니다. 이후 남프랑스로 이주해와 the Madoura ceramics workshop 에서 약 10여년간 도예 작품 활동을 하였습니다.

본 포스터는 피카소의 1955년작으로, 덴마크 루이지애나 미술관에서 열린 피카소 세라믹 전시에서 선보였습니다. 


* Pablo Picasso (1881–1973) 파블로 피카소는 20세기 아티스트 중에서 가장 영향력있는 아티스트로 폭넓게 알려져 있습니다. 스페인에서 태어난 피카소는, 파리에 정착하기 전까지 바르셀로나에서 예술활동을 시작했습니다. 피카소는 Georges Braque (조지스 브라케) 와 함께 큐비즘의 창시자이자, 구조적인 조각과 폭넓고 다양한 스타일의 작품활동으로 잘 알려져있습니다.  


* L'Atelier Glod is an official retailer of Louisiana Museum of Art.

* 라뜰리에 글로드는 루이지애나 미술관의 공식 지정 글로벌 판매처입니다. 




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2. 포스터 혹은 프린트만 주문시손상을 방지하기 위해단단한 지관케이스에 포장되어 배송됩니다

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6. 원목 액자는 100퍼센트 수작업으로 만들어지며, 원목의 특성상 원목마다 결과 색상에 미세한 차이가 납니다. 

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