Poul Gernes – UNTITLED - DOT (1966-68)
Poul Gernes – UNTITLED - DOT (1966-68)
Poul Gernes – UNTITLED - DOT (1966-68)

Poul Gernes – UNTITLED - DOT (1966-68)



Artist l Poul Gernes

Artwork l UNTITLED - DOT (1966-68) 

Size I 60 cm X 66.5 cm 

Printed in Denmark by Louisiana museum  

Louisiana poster with the work,  Untitled - dot , (1962-68), by the Danish artist, Poul Gernes (1925-1996). Gernes is one of the great Danish artists of the post-war generation and in many ways he pioneered a new perception of art and the artist's role in society.  

Poul Gernes did not strive for art historical or intellectual knowledge to understand or interpret his works. What was really important was that people were happy and comfortable looking at and living with them – as is evident from his probably best-known works, the large, public decoration projects such as the Palads cinema in Copenhagen and Herlev Hospital.

Today, many associate Poul Gernes with this kind of cool aesthetics and brightly colored joy. But there is definitely also a confrontational and strongly critical side of the artist.

Poul Gernes comes out of the constructivist tradition, also politically, and at the beginning of the 1960s became a focal point for the Eks-skole, the Experimental Art School (1961-1972), which came to dominate not only contemporary art, but also art history writing at a stroke henceforth. New methods, new materials, a new perception of the role of art and the artist in society were on the agenda. 

With their experimental attitude, the artists set in motion a break-up on all fronts, and all this is unfolding precisely where Denmark is going from a post-war society to a welfare state, with many new arrangements and experiments as a result. A period in which Louisiana also has some shares. 


* L'Atelier Glod is an official retailer of Louisiana Museum of Art. * 

* 라뜰리에 글로드는 루이지애나 미술관 지정 공식 글로벌 수입/판매처입니다. * 


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